Building on a budget - The “Eventually” List


We all know about the “must haves” and the “nice to haves” lists that people suggest preparing, but what about an “eventually” list?

This list is just as important and covers those items that can be done after you have moved in with little or no additional cost or inconvenience. Check out the list we have prepared.


Ducted Air Conditioning

A common misconception is the installation of ducted air conditioning. Unless you are building a double storey home, the cost to install ducted air conditioning after handover is generally no more than what it would have cost you during the build. In fact, you may actually save some money by installing ducted air conditioning after to avoid the builder’s margin. So, if ducted air conditioning is not included in your build and your budget doesn’t quite allow for it at the moment, add ducted to your “eventually” list.



Similar to ducted air conditioning, alarm systems fall under the same category. That is, you can install an alarm after handover at essentially the same cost.


Feature Walls

Who would have thought that a different paint colour on one wall would cost so much. Whilst it is probably the last thing you want to do in your new home, feature walls are always an additional extra that can be done by you after handover. Save this money and put it towards other upgrades that form part of your “must haves” list and do the feature walls once you have saved some more money.


Down lights

The installation of a single down light can cost in up to $150.00 per light (possibly even more). In an average sized home, there will be a minimum of 20 downlights that will need to be installed. That is a cost of $3,000.00. Again, if the house is not a double storey, down lights can be installed at a much cheaper rate after handover from a qualified electrician. Consider adding this to your “eventually” list. Alternatively, you can arrange for the builder to put all the wiring in place ready for installation after handover. Whilst you probably won’t save too much money here, it will defer the cost until such time you are ready to install.


Fancy Laundry setups

Some new homes come with very fancy laundry setups with built in cupboards and shelving as part of the price. Consider the deletion of the fancy laundry for a credit to be applied towards more important things. If it is a must, you can always install a fancy laundry after handover.


It is important that you stay on budget and avoid over extending yourself. Save your money, live within your means and enjoy your brand new home.



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